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Recognize the Causes of Red Spots on the Skin Accompanied by Itching

The appearance of red spots on the skin accompanied by itching sometimes makes you wonder whether the cause. Red itchy spots on the skin can occur due to various factors, such as infection, heat, allergens, immune system disorders, or medications. Red spots on the skin accompanied by itching often occur in the face, arms and legs. However, it can also occur in the body and other body areas.

Various Possible Causes

There are various things that might cause a person to experience red spots on the skin accompanied by itching, including:
  • Insect bite

  • Bite of small animals such as insects, including one of the most common causes of the appearance of red spots on the skin accompanied by itching. Ranging from mosquito bites, ants, pet fleas, bed mites, to spiders can cause this complaint. Besides complaints can also be accompanied by pain and swelling around the insect bite area.
  • Contact dermatitis

  • One of the most common causes of red spots on the skin accompanied by itching is contact dermatitis. Contact dermatitis results from direct contact with a substance that triggers an allergic reaction or irritation, such as soap, cosmetics, perfume, jewelry, or plants. The best way to deal with this condition is to identify and avoid the cause wherever possible.
  • Atopic dermatitis

  • Atopic dermatitis is generally characterized by symptoms of dry and itchy skin. This condition is also known as eczema. Atopic dermatitis is often experienced by children. The cause is not known with certainty. However, the possibility of genetic and environmental factors that are unclean can increase the risk of this condition. Symptoms of atopic dermatitis are generally treated with corticosteroid creams, or other medicines that the doctor recommends.
  • Tinea

  • Tinea is also called ringworm, which is a fungal infection that can be spread and spread or spread to several parts of the body, such as the scalp, under the breast, around the armpits, groin, to the feet. Tinea is characterized by a variety of symptoms, ranging from red spots on the skin accompanied by itching, skin that looks scaly and thickened, to the appearance of sores on the surface of the skin. Treatment for tinea infections can be treated with antifungal creams and sometimes also requires antifungal drugs in tablet form according to doctor's recommendations.
  • Scabies

  • Scabies or scabies, which is a skin irritation condition caused by Sarcoptes scabiei mites. Common symptoms of scabies are rashes and intense itching, especially at night. If the rash or itchy area is continuously scratched, it can cause an infected wound. Scabies treatment is to use ointments and creams that are applied to the skin.

How to Prevent Red Spots on the Skin Accompanied by Itching

In general, how to prevent red spots on the skin accompanied by itching is to recognize what triggers it and then avoid it. In addition, you are advised to undergo treatment as directed by your doctor, in order to avoid gaining weight while preventing recurrence. You also must be diligent in maintaining the cleanliness of the body and the environment. Here are some tips to prevent skin from experiencing red spots and itching, including:
  • Use skin moisturizer regularly.
  • Wear protective clothing or gloves when risking exposure to complaints. For example, when washing with detergent.
  • Bathing routinely using deodorizing soap.
  • Be more careful when caring for your pet and plants, especially if you have a history of allergies.
  • Pet hygiene also needs to be considered, so as not to be exposed to dirt, germs, or fleas, which may trigger complaints of rashes and itching on your skin.
  • Reduce stress, because it can worsen the itching.
It is recommended to consult a doctor if you experience red spots on the skin accompanied by itching. Especially if this condition occurs protracted or getting worse. The doctor will diagnose the cause and provide appropriate treatment to overcome it.
